Home > Annual General Meeting > AGM Letter
AGM Letter
Notice of Meeting Financial year 2017
Date: 16 June 2021
Dear Shareholders,
On behalf of the Directors of PNG Air Limited (PNG Air), I am pleased to invite you to participate at the PNG Air Annual General Meeting (AGM or Meeting) to be held on Wednesday 16 July 2021 at 1.30pm at the online platform
With the status of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board is very focus on the well-being and safety of our staff, our Share Registrar, Link Market Services Limited (Link), your directors, and our shareholders. Accordingly, the Board has elected to use technology for the online delivery of our 2021 Annual General Meeting.
The Company is delighted to use technology to enable all shareholders to participate at the AGM online through Link’s online platform at https://agmlive.link/PNGAIR0121. If you participate in the meeting online, you will be able to view the AGM live, participate in polling and submit written online questions.
The Online Platform Guide will provide details on how to ensure your browser is compatible with the online platform, and a systematic guide to successfully log in and navigate the site.
The technology of the online platform enables shareholder participation irrespective of geographical locations.
If you are unable to participate in the Meeting via the online platform, you are encouraged to complete and return the enclosed Proxy Form no later than 12:30 am (Port Moresby time) on Monday, 14 July 2021 to PNG Registries Limited via email/fax/post or hand delivery as specified in the Notice of Meeting and the Proxy Form.
You are encouraged to read the enclosed Notice of Meeting and the explanatory Memorandum in full before a decision is reached on each resolution. The enclosed Proxy Form is to be used to direct your proxy votes for each resolution by marking either the “For” box, the “Against” box or the “Abstain” box
Thank you for your continued support of PNG Air Limited and I look forward to your participation and the opportunity to engage with you on the online platform
By order of the Board of Directors

Nisaal Chandra Jai
Company Secretary
16 June 2021

Notice of Meeting Financial year 2018
Date: 16 June 2021
Dear Shareholders,
On behalf of the Directors of PNG Air Limited (PNG Air), I am pleased to invite you to participate at the PNG Air Annual General Meeting (AGM or Meeting) to be held on Wednesday 16 July 2021 at 1.30pm at the online platform
With the status of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board is very focus on the well-being and safety of our staff, our Share Registrar, Link Market Services Limited (Link), your directors, and our shareholders. Accordingly, the Board has elected to use technology for the online delivery of our 2021 Annual General Meeting.
The Company is delighted to use technology to enable all shareholders to participate at the AGM online through Link’s online platform at https://agmlive.link/PNGAIR0221. If you participate in the meeting online, you will be able to view the AGM live, participate in polling and submit written online questions.
The Online Platform Guide will provide details on how to ensure your browser is compatible with the online platform, and a systematic guide to successfully log in and navigate the site.
The technology of the online platform enables shareholder participation irrespective of geographical locations.
If you are unable to participate in the Meeting via the online platform, you are encouraged to complete and return the enclosed Proxy Form no later than 1:30 pm (Port Moresby time) on Monday, 14 July 2021 to PNG Registries Limited via email/fax/post or hand delivery as specified in the Notice of Meeting and the Proxy Form.
You are encouraged to read the enclosed Notice of Meeting and the explanatory Memorandum in full before a decision is reached on each resolution. The enclosed Proxy Form is to be used to direct your proxy votes for each resolution by marking either the “For” box, the “Against” box or the “Abstain” box
Thank you for your continued support of PNG Air Limited and I look forward to your participation and the opportunity to engage with you on the online platform
By order of the Board of Directors

Nisaal Chandra Jai
Company Secretary
16 June 2021