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PNG Air Magazine

Our PNG Air Magazine captures amazing stories from around the country, and is available on every flight.

View or download digital copies of our latest editions here.

Click to Download Vol 38

Volume 37 2023

Click to Download Vol 37

Volume 36 2023

Click to Download Vol 36 

Click to Download Vol 35

About the Magazine

PNG Air Magazine is the free inflight magazine for passengers aboard any PNG Air flight. It is produced and printed in-country by Pacific Islands Publishing at Moore Printing.

Filled with captivating feature articles and high-quality colour photos, the magazine aims to keep passengers entertained for the duration of their flights, with stories that range from PNG’s rich history to cultural festivals, natural attractions, top tourism destinations, sports, the arts and more.

The magazine will also keep you up to speed with the latest news relating to PNG Air, including new routes or passenger services, staff achievements and support for community and charitable organisations.

For more information, contact the PNG Air Magazine team:

 EDITORIAL: Margo Nugent at

ADVERTISING: Maiyola Steven at

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2024 issue – Volume #39


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