Fly with confidence on our newly published flight schedule

Today PNG Air has published a new schedule with effect from 1st November, 2021.
The objective of our new schedule is to ensure PNG Air keeps its promises to you, our customers, by ensuring all our teams have the resources available to deliver reliable air services.
In the challenging environment in which PNG Air operates, the new schedule provides our operations and front line teams with the resources to manage events on the day.
The new schedule is now available to view and download on our website in a friendly format.
PNG Air thanks you for choosing to fly with us, and looks forward to welcoming you onboard on your next flight.
Please continue to stay safe in all that you do.
For more information, please contact:
Call Centre on 16111 (Digicel toll free) or 7411 2644 (Bmobile and Telikom)
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Updated travel measures into the Autonomous Region of Bougainville