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MRO / EASA 145
Maintenance Repair Organization
PNG Air MRO is the second largest Maintenance and Repair Organisation within Papua New Guinea, and the only PNG MRO to hold an EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) MRO approval as well within PNG.
PNG Air MRO prides itself on providing excellent maintenance services to our companies aircraft fleet including:

- C-checks.
- Base Maintenance C-checks under our EASA approval on ATR C-check and 2 yearly corrosion checks.
- A-checks
- Line checks and Weekly checks.
- Aircraft turn around services.
- Unscheduled maintenance.
- Rapid response to AOG (Aircraft on Ground) situations arising from aircraft technical issues.
- Rapid response to any impending OTP delay.
- 24/7 maintenance coverage to our aircraft operations maintenance requirements, 365 days per year.
- Component maintenance on NiCad batteries, Wheels and Brakes, Leading Edges, Safety Equipment, Composite repairs, Sheet metal repairs, cabin interior and upholstery.
- Ground turn around services.

PNG Air first began servicing the corporate charter business back in 1987 when it was awarded a long term contract by Chevron Niugini Limited to provide aviation support services for their Kutubu oilfield project. Once Chevron departed PNG this relationship was superseded by a contract with Oil Search Limited. PNG Air has always maintained in house maintenance capability for all the aircraft types it has operated, leading to more expedient and effective aircraft serviceability’s.
PNG Air Maintenance and Repair Organisation holds:
- BARS Gold Registration
- PNG CASA (Civil Aviation Safety Authority) Maintenance Organisation approval 145/013.
- EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) Maintenance Organisation approval EASA.145.0879.
Our dedicated team of maintenance staff surpass the minimum training standards set by PNG CASA, as we upskill staff on a continuing basis to well above base line standards, and also ensure any recurrency training is effectively delivered, on time, every time.